Unit Conversions

If you need to convert units, try one of these calculators. They will help you convert common popular units to another. The conversion results are easy to read.

Unit Conversion- Yards

Convert yards to inches, feet, and centimeters.

Unit Conversion- Centimeter

Convert centimeters to yards, feet, and Inches easily.

Unit Conversion- Millimeters

Convert millimeters to yards, feet, inches, and centimeters.

Unit Conversion- Inches

Convert inches to yards, feet, and centimeters.

Unit Conversion- Grams

Convert grams to ounces, kilograms, and pounds.

Unit Conversion- Kilograms

Convert kilograms to ounces, grams, and pounds.

Unit Conversion- Ounces

Convert ounces to kilograms, grams, and pounds.

Unit Conversion- Pounds

Convert grams to pounds to kilograms, grams, and ounces.